Kia VIN Decoder

Control VIN information by Kia identification number
using our free VIN Decoder service

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: KNDPM3AC0K7529732

A VIN code of Kia cars is unique for each vehicle. The mistake with two identical identification numbers is rather a special case than a common practice. And the manufacturers claim that all the vehicles are labeled correctly at the moment. It should be noted that not all information about the vehicle is obligatory for its entry in the identifier.

However, the Kia manufacturer tries to put the most useful data for you to discover with the Kia VIN decoder. You can see the equipment of the car and get the info about the following items:

  • The type of engine
  • Transmission type
  • The country where the car was produced
  • The plant that manufactured the vehicle
  • The make
  • The year of production
  • The model
  • The body type

If you don't want to miss any of the above-mentioned characteristics, you should decode your Kia car properly. Not all decoders that you can find online are equally good. That's why, we've come up with the most efficient decoding tool that you can find on our site. It is very intuitive and fast. In fact, it will take you less than 30 seconds to decode your vehicle and get all the basic info in the form of a free report.

Kia VIN Number Decoder

Now, let's dig deeper into the process of deciphering and let's get the idea of how it is possible to discover the year of manufacture, the type, the brand, the country of manufacturing, etc.

It should be noted that the standard of a unique Kia VIN number was once developed by the Americans (engineers of SAE Association) which created the traditions of the North American manufacturers.

What else gives the standard to the consumer and the manufacturer? First of all, the buyer gets a new car that is evidenced by the production year proved by the Kia VIN number decoder. If you are selling your car, the potential buyer will certainly pay their attention to this fact. Secondly, with regard to the automaker, it managed to sell almost all their cars before the start of a new calendar year. As you know, this is important for large businesses.

So, how to determine the year of manufacture cars by chassis number? Decoding the first 3 digits of the VIN code, you will be able to know which plant has manufactured the Kia vehicle. The next 4 digits determine the type and brand of the vehicle. The ninth character is typically blank, but the tenth and in some cases the eleventh position allows to determine the production date of the car. In American factories, the symbol responsible for the production year is on the 11th place of the VIN-code.

Decode your Kia within seconds! It's super easy!

Now, it is a good time to try our free decoder for Kia. To get the most out of it, you will need to take the following 4 hassle-free steps:

  • Enter Kia VIN code into a special decoder, which you can see at the top of this page
  • Hit the Decode Now button
  • All the info on Kia that you need to check will be shown to you in the form of a totally free Kia VIN report. You'll get it within seconds
  • Check the report in the way that is the most convenient for you (use your laptop, PC or mobile.)

Kia online decoder is a revolutionary tool that makes the whole decoding process easy like A, B, C. Moreover, the decoder on our site is 100% free. Try it in work and you'll like it!

Kia Sample VIN

  • KNDPM3AC2J7333967 — 2018 Kia Sportage LX FWD (2.4L V6 DOHC 24V), SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
  • KNADM4A34G6664425 — 2016 Kia Rio LX 6A (1.6L L4 DOHC 16V), SEDAN 4-DR
  • 5XXGM4A78FG403589 — 2015 Kia Optima LX (2.4L L4 DOHC 16V), SEDAN 4-DR
  • KNADN5A3XD6895568 — 2013 Kia Rio5 EX (1.6L L4 DOHC 16V), HATCHBACK 5-DR
  • KNAFU4A29A5271128 — 2010 Kia Forte EX (2.0L L4 DOHC 16V), SEDAN 4-DR