Kia VIN Check

Check Kia VIN Number and get a full Vehicle History Report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: KNDJN2A22E7095502

This Korean manufacturer has considerably improved its presence in the American market and in several western countries as well. In 2016, it has ranked first on the list of the most reliable models in the U.S., created by J.D. Power and Associates.

So, as you can see, it's a really trustable brand, in spite of not being amongst the most popular ones.

But if you buy a used KIA, you have to be very careful. Many experienced drivers had already learned that when it comes to used cars, for your own good, you can't trust anyone.

Nowadays there are too many slick and dishonest sellers and car dealers out there and, every now and then, all over the country pop out cases of fraud victims.

Some could try to sell you a clunker as an almost mint condition car or to foist you a stolen vehicle using fake documentation. For these and other reasons, a Kia VIN check is probably a must.

When you find a good used car that seems to suit you, become 100% aware of its history and its real conditions. Otherwise, some unpleasant and unexpected events could happen to you.

To check out the right information about the car you need only its VIN code, an identifying series of 17 characters (both numbers and letters). It's being used in this form in the U.S. since 1980 to recognize different vehicles and find out information about them.

Kia VIN Number Check

A Kia VIN number check, of course, requires the VIN of the vehicle at hand. So, if you have difficulties to find it out, check these locations:

  • Venga, Ceed;
    • on the passenger side B door post
    • stamped on the chassis cross member under the drivers or passenger seat
  • Shuma, Sedona, Pride, Rio, Mentor;
    • on the offside of the bulkhead on a metal plaque
    • stamped into the center of the bulkhead (Shuma, Mentor)
    • stamped into the offside of the bulkhead (Sedona, Pride)
    • stamped into the chassis underneath the drivers offside seat (Rio)
  • Magentis, Sportage;
    • on the nearside of the bulkhead on a metal plaque
    • stamped into the center of the bulkhead
  • Carens;
    • on the inside of the offside inner wing on a metal plaque
    • stamped into the chassis underneath the driver's offside seat

After you figured out the needed VIN, type it into our tool and perform the research. The report you will receive will give you the following info:

  • History of road accidents. When a car has one, the police register the case. You will see the data about it.
  • Recalls involving the vehicle and consequent repair. If the car was not restored, ask the seller about it.
  • Active liens and loans. If the owner still has to pay for the car, you can ask for a lower price taking it into account.
  • Standard car equipment and basic specs.
  • Information about thefts. Of course, the purchase of a stolen vehicle is illegal, so report the police about it.
  • The miles passed by the car. Comparing this information with what you find on the vehicle's odometer will let you know if the latter was messed with.
  • Info about the use of the vehicle as a taxi, police or personal car.
  • Records of service, inspection, and registration

Don't fear for your personal data because we don't keep any. You can perform the report being absolutely sure about your anonymity.

As you've seen, there's a lot of information about your chosen car waiting out there for you. Don't risk to be fooled and waste both time and money. Be aware of the car's history and buy consciously.