Toyota Recalls Check

Find the latest news and information on recent Toyota recalls

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: JT3GN86R020242833

The Japanese car brand Toyota enjoys a wide popularity amongst the drivers. Their cars are known to have high safety standards, latest technology, great resale value and an equally great longevity.

Around 80% of the Toyotas sold twenty years ago are still running on the road and such quality makes the Japanese brand on of the best choices when it comes to buying a used car.

But, no matter how high the reliability rate may be, if you manufacture such a huge amount of cars every year, it’s normal to make a few mistakes and try to remedy with a recall.

And the bad news is that the vehicles subject to a recall are not always fully repaired. In 2014 for example, about 25% of the recalled cars in the US hadn’t been repaired properly.

That’s also because most dealers don’t really worry about their customers’ safety since they don’t look at them as recurring customers.

In addition, a free recall is not available anymore for those cars that got in an accident before the recall date. In such circumstances, mindless drivers and dealers don’t mind to get the car fully repaired, hoping the damage is not so serious.

What if the accelerator freezes while you are overtaking? What If important steering parts break or the engine explodes while you are driving? Can you take such a risk blithely?

The safety of your loved ones and yours are not something to play with, so performing a Toyota recall check is a must. It will not only useful because of the information it provides, but is also really fast, since your report will be ready in a matter of minutes.

Toyota Recall Information

To check the Toyota that you are evaluating, first of all, you must find out the VIN of the car at hand. You can look out for this number in several locations:

  • The left-bottom corner of the windshield.
  • Car insurance and title.
  • Door jamb at the driver’s side.
  • In trailers, on the driver’s side, on the side tongue or front part of the frame.

If you are reluctant about making a check Toyota recall using an online resource like ours because you fear for your privacy, don’t worry because our site is 100% safe and anonymous.

The VIN number you will type in to check will not be associated to your data as a driver. Concerning the device that you use for the checking, we don’t keep any information recorded about it and make sure the connection with our site is safe and there are no data leaks.

So, no worries. Use our tool with complete confidence.

Performing a VIN search through our system you will receive the following data:

  • Vehicle title, color, model, and engine type.
  • Accidents and consequent repairs history.
  • Financial operations related to the vehicle, loans, and repossessions included.
  • Data about how many miles the vehicle has passed.
  • Was the vehicle ever damaged by fire, floods or any other means
  • Inspection history.

To provide all this useful information we use only accurate and reliable sources like the NMVTIS, car insurance companies, car dealers, car manufacturers and a few other trustworthy databases.

Our reports are complete with all the necessary information and don’t leave out anything important.

That shiny Toyota, you are evaluating could not be such a great deal after all, at least not for you. You could find out that you must spend lots of money on repair if you want to ride on it safely. So don’t take any risks and uncover every secret this car may have with a simple and fast report. Don’t let sellers fool you.