Jeep VIN Decoder

Get detailed information by VIN Number of Jeep

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 1C4RJFCG2FC609565

A 17-characters code identifies every single jeep that has been manufactured. The VIN code is like a human fingerprint, it's unique and it's almost impossible to change it. You can see what's hidden behind the hood only with a special VIN decoder. Jeep VIN decoder will show all the key information of the car you need in a few seconds.

The transition from a 13-digit code to the VIN of 17 characters in the Jeep vehicles took place in 1981. Currently, the identification number has a fixed structure. Like many automakers, VIN decoder Jeep provides a geographical designation of a country of origin and the corporation or its subsidiaries:

  • 1 - the USA and DaimlerChrysler Corp.;
  • 2 - Canada and Daimlerchrysler Canada Inc.;
  • 3 - Mexico, and Daimler Chrysler de Mexico.

The following code symbol is the division of the automaker, where J stands for a Jeep (for comparison, D is for Dodge, C is for Chrysler).

The third sign of the VIN code that you can decipher with the help of the Jeep VIN decoder build sheet indicates the type of the car. In the 1990s Jeep manufactured MPVs (Multi-Purpose Vehicle), and the DaimlerChrysler began using the digit 4 (and 5 buses, 7 trucks). In vehicles of the 1980s there's letter C instead of 4.

However, sometimes there are the ones that Americans mark as the so-called incomplete vehicles. Imperfections are all that are necessary for transportation, but lack many of the structures that provide the comfort of the movement.

How to Decode?

Knowing the VIN code of the Jeep you want to buy will give you a clear picture of its make, year of production, manufacturer, the country of its origin, type of the engine, transmission type, model, make, vehicle weight rating, carline, series, etc. It's always better to use a Jeep VIN decoder free of charge even from your phone when you're checking the car yourself.

To make use of this amazingly handy tool you will need to find the VIN number of Jeep first. Where can you find the VIN code on the Jeep cars? Here are the locations for the Jeep Grand Cherokee:

  • Under the windshield, through a special window.
  • Under the rear bumper, on the left or on the body.
  • On the front door driver's side. You need to remove the trim under the handle: there is a sticker that contains the VIN on the left at the bottom.

The Jeep VIN number decoder will provide you with the information on the type of the body, its color, the type of the engine, recommendations about the fuel and the data about the equipment of the Jeep car.

Decoder Steps

Now, you are aware of all the basic info that you can get out of the decoding process. Thus, it is a good time to test our free and handy Jeep decoder. The process of decoding has never been so simple! Just follow these 4 simple and hassle-free steps:

  • Enter Jeep VIN Number into the decoder, which you can see at the top of the page
  • Hit the Decode Now button
  • Get all the needed info in a matter of seconds. You'll be sent a free VIN report.
  • Look through this free report on the device of your choice (be it PC, laptop or mobile)

You are welcome to test this Jeep decoder and make the use of its major advantages. It is 100% free of charge. Give it a try now!

Jeep Sample VIN Numbers

  • 3C4NJCAB9JT105435 — 2018 Jeep Compass Sport FWD (2.4L L4 DOHC 16V), SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
  • 1C4PJLCS5FW591345 — 2015 Jeep Cherokee Latitude FWD (3.2L V6 DOHC 24V), SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
  • 1J4AA5D11AL156706 — 2010 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 4WD (3.8L V6 OHV 12V), SPORT UTILITY 2-DR
  • 1J4BA6H13AL122111 — 2010 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 4WD (3.8L V6 OHV 12V), SPORT UTILITY 4-DR
  • 1J8HG48K46C134344 — 2006 Jeep Commander 4WD (3.7L V6 SOHC 12V), SPORT UTILITY 4-DR