Genesis VIN Decoder

Try our Free VIN Decoder Service by VIN Number of Genesis

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: KMTG34LE9KU030325

10 years have passed since the first Hyundai Genesis has been introduced in Korea. Now, this model stays so popular that its producer has developed the entire new brand called Genesis. Although it stays more focused on luxury cars for people with higher income, some Genesis vehicles occur in a second-hand market. While buyers of new vehicles are more interested in ensuring that everything is alright with a new vehicle, used car buyers want to know whether their contractor does not hide anything from them. Genesis VIN decoder is a tool designed to help both kinds of buyers.

Vehicle identification number is a sequence of 17 digits containing all necessary details about its car and process of its manufacturing. Typical VIN reveals the following data on this car:

  • Name of manufacturer and the model of car;
  • Unique plant code and production number;
  • The date of vehicle’s manufacturing;
  • Engine type and what kind of transmission this vehicle employs;

Where can I find Genesis identification code? Genesis manufacturers have provided two locations for a VIN number. The first one is observable from car’s windshield, on the dashboard at driver’s side. The second one is inside a driver’s side door jamb. Make a short glance on these locations and after you see the number, type it into the field provided by Genesis VIN decoder. Thus you can compare the data you received with those provided by vehicle’s seller. Luckily, you don’t have to spend much of your time on finding such decoder as you already have one, located on this page.

Genesis Sedan VIN Information

If you want to buy used Genesis, you don’t want to spend much money on counterfeit. You don’t want to obtain 2008 model instead of 2013 the same way as you don’t want to obtain a Chinese car instead of Genesis manufactured in Korea. You want your vehicle to induce respect and honor so any mistake will be very expensive. With Genesis VIN decoder located here, you can avoid them. You simply type your vehicle identification number and get a complete report with all manufacturing and plant details.

Although VIN number is enough for vehicle’s identification, not every automobile manufacturer can extract all necessary information from this code. Of course, you can screen tables and technical documentation but it might consume much of your time. Hyundai owners use a much simpler method, decoding VIN number with Genesis sedan VIN decoder. They simply type this code into a special decoder’s field and obtain a table revealing the meaning of every symbol. One of these decoders is on this page.

Don’t expect much from a simple VIN decoder. It is not powerful enough for checking the whole car history, its number of recalls and accidents. It is only a free tool for instant VIN decoding and knowing details on how this vehicle was manufactured. Anyway, the table still remains useful enough for detecting seller’s fraud or counterfeit. If this car is much older than its seller is trying to suggest - probably, this is not the best choice for you. You always have less risky ways to spend the amount enough to buy a premium class vehicle.

Don’t forget that fraud elimination is not a sole purpose of VIN decoder. With the right tool, you can quickly identify its engine type in case of its replacement. If you use desktop-based version and you need to sell your Genesis, you can simply copy table generated by decoder so your buyer will have no suspicion on your honesty. Buying used Genesis is a risky operation as the price is much higher than of an average vehicle. Arrange the meeting with the buyer and open our decoder’s page so that you will never become a victim of any car fraud.

Genesis Sample VIN

  • KMHGN4JE9JU238744 — 2018 Genesis G80 3.8 (3.8L V6 DOHC 24V), SEDAN 4-DR
  • KMHGN4JE9HU168902 — 2017 Genesis G80 3.8 (3.8L V6 DOHC 24V), SEDAN 4-DR
  • KMHHU6KJ3GU134886 — 2016 Hyundai Genesis Coupe 3.8 Ultimate (3.8L V6 DOHC 24V), COUPE 2-DR