Volkswagen VIN Check & Lookup

Check Volkswagen VIN Number and get a Full VIN History Report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: WVWDB71K78W205036

The reason to know how to read and check the VIN number of a Volkswagen car is that the code is a unique identifier of each vehicle produced for sale on the territory of the U.S. If you want to buy a used car, you can find out its default equipment, technical specs and its history from the date of manufacture until the recent days. By knowing the information about the past life of the vehicle, you can make a decision whether to buy it or not.

Volkswagen VIN check has two types of reports such as a free basic report and a paid full one. There are some states in the USA where you have to buy a full VIN check if you want to get a used Volkswagen.

To get the report, you will need to find the code on the car, rewrite it and type in a special field. You will receive the report in a matter of minutes in case it's valid and every letter or number was inserted correctly. If you see that there's no data about this very code, you should carefully check the code.

Where can you find the VIN code on a Volkswagen car? There's a special field for it, it's located under the windshield on the driver's side. Take a look at the left corner at the bottom of the windshield.

You should see a set of numbers and letters that are located in one row. There should be 17 characters excluding such letters as O, Q and I. They can be confused with the similarly-looking numbers. Pay attention to the scratches or any kinds of damages of the surface where the code is located.

VW History Report

Finding out the history of the car is possible if the manufacture year of it is after 1980. A Volkswagen VIN number check analyses the code, searches through the database such as NMVTIS, different auctions like Copart and E-Bay, salvage yards reports and so on to build up a full picture of what happened with the car in the past.

If you see something suspicious, you should ask the seller about it. However, there are many owners of the cars that simply don't remember all the repairs or some little accidents.

It would be strange if you bought a Volkswagen car without a prior check. Here's what you can learn from the Volkswagen VIN check history:

  • The number of the owners. If there were two or more of them, than you should buy a full report because the current owner can be not aware of all the facts and accidents from the past.
  • The mileage data. You will see how many miles has the car passed and you can compare this figure with the odometer reading. If you see the difference, the seller should make the price of the car lower.
  • Accidents on the road. If the car was seriously damaged, it should have received a special card in case the cost of repair is over 75% of the price of the Volkswagen car. Driving the car after a full repair is unsafe because you never know how the vehicle behaves at high speed.
  • Airbag deployment. It's a part of a previous list item. You should know about the airbags because they can guarantee your safety on the road. If they were deployed, you should find out the reason for it and check if there are new airbags installed on the Volkswagen vehicle.

Knowing the history of the Volkswagen car lets you avoid buying a stolen car as well as guarantee a safe driving for as long as it is needed in the future.