Pennsylvania VIN Check

Lookup for a Pennsylvania Vehicle and get Detailed Vehicle History Reports

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: JM1BPBJYXN1519045

If you've decided to buy a used car in Pennsylvania - never forget to get a detailed history report about it. This procedure can be done either in a state DMV office or online. The former option is rather time-consuming, whereas the latter can be done in several clicks. In order to get a car history report, you need to know its VIN.

Every car has a Vehicle Identification Number, which can be compared to human DNA. If you know a vehicle's VIN, you are familiar with not only basic info about it but also with its background. Had this vehicle been owned by many people? Is it a salvaged car? Or, maybe, it was stolen? All these records will be unmasked once you print the 17-digit VIN into the search window of any online VIN check service and push "Check".

The main mission of any online VIN search service is to gather up all the crucial characteristics of the vehicle such as WMI, year of manufacturing, standard car's options etc. If you decipher a VIN code manually, you'll hardly learn something apart from this, but if you do a Pennsylvania VIN check online, you will have a good chance to know the details a salesclerk would prefer not to mention. Remember that not a single dealer on the earth thinks about you and your needs: all of them think only about your money. That's why it's so common that dealers deliberately omit such facts as replacement of latches, the number of accidents, lack of proper maintenance service, a "cheat" price and more. Your main business is not to become a victim and buy your high-quality dream car despite all the challenges you face during this process.

The first vehicle with an identification number was a Chevrolet Corvette, manufactured in 1953. Unfortunately, until 1981, not all cars obtained a VIN after being manufactured, but in 1981 everything changed. As a result, if your destination car is younger than 36, it should have a VIN: if it doesn't, there are great chances it's a stolen or salvaged vehicle, and the dealer needs someone stupid and gullible - certainly, not you.

A VIN number of a car is usually situated on the door near the driver or in the lower corner of a windshield.

Pennsylvania VIN Lookup

Regarding VIN check, Pennsylvania doesn't differ too much from other states of America. In Pennsylvania, every potential car owner can visit a DMV office and get all the needed information, but as time flies, more and more drivers search the VIN information online.

A vehicle history report usually includes current information about the vehicle, its background, odometer data, accident history, open liens, theft history of the car if any etc.

If you don't intend to buy a car in Pennsylvania but would like to put it up for sale instead, the US government strongly encourages you to provide your potential customers all information mentioned above and even more. The thing is that the more you care about your customers, the smoother the process car sale will become in the future. It's so hard to buy or sell a used car not because of too stubborn US government, but because of too many fraudulent sellers who don't tell their customers the truth about the car.

As a contributor of the National Motor Vehicle Information System, Pennsylvania provides only verified information about any vehicle and it's crucial for this state to deal only with honest people in all spheres of life.

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)

1101 South Front Street,
Harrisburg, PA 17104
(717) 412-5300