Ohio VIN Lookup and Title Check

Check an Ohio Vehicle's VIN and Get a Full History Report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 5TDKRKEC7PS142916

Based on the stats on registered vehicles in the US, Ohio comes in right after CA, FL, TX, and IL as the state with the most vehicles on the road. There are more than ten million registered vehicles in the state, and each has a specific VIN number that identifies the vehicle. It can help you with the purchase if you use the Ohio VIN search.

You can use our free Ohio VIN check to get basic information on a vehicle and check the model, year, engine, transmission, and other details. We also offer full, paid reports with vehicle history info, including recall logs, and servicing records to help you make a confident and secure buying decision.

Where can you find the VIN code to check it online? First of all, you will find it on the registration and the insurance cards.

Free Report

Our free OH VIN lookup tool is a quick and accurate way of getting the basic information by pasting a vehicle identification number into the decoder. These are the results of the free VIN check service report:

  • Make and Model: You’ll first be able to verify the model year and basic production details.
  • General Specs: You can use an Ohio VIN search to figure out the original safety details, tires, body color, and other specs.
  • Trim: You will get OEM trim information like package name, engine code, and other relevant details.
  • Place of Production: The country of production will also be visible in our report, making it easier to pinpoint the origin of mass-produced vehicle models.
  • Engine and Transmission: The report will show you basic engine and transmission details.
  • History Records Availability: Our Ohio VIN check will show if detailed data is found, but will not be available in the free mode.

Unlike the free vehicle identification number check, the “Full Report” button includes more detailed information. Some of the details you can get through a full Ohio VIN lookup include a full vehicle history report, complete vehicle specifications, equipment, and records on manufacturer info.

You will also be able to find records of title status changes over time. It's also possible to check recall and defect logs, as well as stolen vehicle records, odometer readings, and checks against outstanding liens, repossession, theft and recovery, and taxi ownership. The paid Ohio VIN check also includes full accident records, crash logs from the Ohio Highway Patrol, and damage details from insurance companies.

FAXVIN’s full reports also include our CarRank report to help you with your buying decision.

A car’s title is a document issued by the Clerk of Courts in Ohio, and it indicates the ownership and legality of a motor vehicle. Naturally, buying a clean-title car is best, but it’s also possible to register vehicles with different title statuses upon purchase.

You can check the title status through our Ohio VIN lookup tool. It describes the legal state of the car, and based on our search, you can get these title status reports:

  • Junk
  • Salvaged
  • Reconstructed
  • Flood damage
  • Fire/Hail damage
  • Rebuilt

Under the law of Ohio, a car’s title can refer to two persons who jointly own the vehicle.

Why Should I Run an Ohio VIN Check?

Performing a VIN check in Ohio gives you peace of mind when purchasing a used car to avoid any tampering. It provides a brief overview of the vehicle’s information sourced from reliable registries.

It’s also important to run the Ohio VIN check to see if there are any financing problems left by the previous owner and check for complete damage records. At least you’ll want to know if the basic details are true since slight changes in trim, equipment, and specs lead to huge price gaps.

Additionally, a VIN check helps you verify whether the vehicle has a clean title or has been marked as salvaged, rebuilt, or stolen, which can significantly affect its safety and value. Finally, it can reveal if the car has been involved in any open recalls, ensuring you are aware of any unresolved safety issues before making a purchase.

How to Perform a Vehicle Registration Lookup?

You can conduct an Ohio VIN check online and get basic information on the timing of issuance and renewal of registration using our service. Our full report includes some registration information pulled from various official sources.

On the other hand, the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles provides a separate service for registration expiry date checkups. You can visit the official BMV website and click on the Vehicle Registration Status Check option. It’s a bit more complex than our search since it requires not only the vehicle's VIN number but also a title number and email.

Ownership information is nearly impossible to get, and you can obtain it only with the notarized permission of the owner. This info is protected by the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA), ensuring that the Bureau of Motor Vehicles always keeps it private.

Only in case of a suspected fraudulent ownership transfer and similar issues can you hope for a successful request. In such cases, legal action or law enforcement is always involved. Insurance companies and state police also have these records in case of emergencies.

The Benefits of Conducting an Ohio VIN Lookup

Ohio Counties for VIN Lookup

Doing an OH VIN check with our tool is useful for showing you the motor vehicle history report and, for example, to check if your car has been subject to a recall and to protect you from fraudulent sales.

It also allows you to check whether your vehicle has had a serious engine problem or other issues. When you are fully armed with the information, you can be sure that your vehicle, for instance, will pass the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Vehicle Emissions Testing required for registration in some Ohio counties. So, checking the full-service history can be quite helpful. Mechanics can also use our free Ohio VIN check to see vital details like trim, transmission, and driveline specifications.

Source of Records

So far, you are probably wondering where is our OH VIN lookup data taken from. Or, can you trust the data provided? There are several reliable sources that we use, including the following ones:

  • The U.S. NMVTIS;
  • Ohio BMV;
  • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA);
  • Canadian motor vehicle agencies;
  • Recall logs;
  • Car auctions;
  • Auto insurance companies;
  • Official dealership logs and motor vehicle servicing info.

How to Do an Ohio VIN Lookup

To get the details on the vehicle's title status, ownership, and full history, you just need to enter the vehicle identification number into our checker. You can leave the rest to us, and we'll get the valuable information and vehicle history reports to you in a glimpse:

  1. Enter the Ohio VIN into our tool;
  2. Paste your 17-digit number and click on “Check VIN”;
  3. Get decoding results within a minute, including basic vehicle model details, trim, and specs;
  4. You can also click on the “Full Report” button to get more comprehensive results for a fee.


Use your chance to get an Ohio VIN check off the charge to inspect the vehicle's history before purchase right here. However, some info on the car's records can only be obtained with a paid, thorough VIN lookup, and our tool will help you make a confident buying decision. Also, you are welcome to try out FAXVIN’s comprehensive license plate search in Ohio for valuable insights into the car’s past.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I look up VIN numbers for free in Ohio?
You can easily look up a VIN number for free through FAXVIN’s decoder and checker. Our service lets you check some key details about the car like make and model, production year, and trim completely off charge.
How do I find the previous owner of a car in Ohio?
It’s nearly impossible to find the previous owner of the car in OH due to the DPPA Act that protects the owners’ privacy. You can try making an inquiry at the state police department in case of suspected fraud.
How to perform a lien check on an Ohio vehicle?
You can use FAXVIN as your first line of defense and learn about outstanding vehicle liens before purchase. Our full report databases include the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) in Ohio and other sources to help you identify cars with liens.
How to identify a salvaged vehicle with a VIN number check in Ohio?
You can identify a salvaged vehicle with FAXVIN by going through a complete check of the car, which includes title records and servicing reports on accident damages.
How can I perform a free VIN search for a vehicle registered in Ohio?
You can check the VIN of an Ohio vehicle within seconds by using FAXVIN’s free checker tool. Simply visit our decoder page, paste the vehicle identification number, and hit the “Check VIN” button.
Free vs. Paid Ohio VIN check — What’s the difference?
Our free Ohio VIN check report includes the basic information about the car’s production year, make, model, trim, and engine. The full report provides a comprehensive look through accident records, odometer readings, title records, recalls, and crash logs.
What is a VIN inspection in Ohio?
A VIN inspection in Ohio verifies a vehicle's identification number for title transfers, corrections, or registrations. Conducted by law enforcement, BMV, or dealerships, it costs around $5–$10 and requires the title and ID for processing.

Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV)

1970 West Broad Street,
Columbus, Ohio 43223
(844) 644-6268
