Missouri VIN Check & Lookup

Lookup for a Missouri vehicle online and get detailed Vehicle History Report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 5TDKRKEC7PS142916

Every vehicle you see in Missouri has a unique 17-digit number that serves to be an identifier for this car or bike. This code consists of 17 symbols including both letters and numbers. The whole code is generated according to the local US laws where each of the symbols stands for some information from the manufacturer. You can decipher the code if you know what each position stands for. For example. You can find out the data about the country of the production, the make and the model of the vehicle with only the first three symbols. You can decipher the whole code yourself or use the online Missouri VIN check service to make the process fast and easy.

Now you know what the code is, it's time to see where you can find it. If you look at the car, you can see the code under the windshield on the driver's side. You will easily notice a dashboard with the code without the need to open the hood. If you can't find it there or the code is covered with something, this car is too suspicious to purchase. If the surface of the dashboard is clear, smooth and you can see every character of the code, you can make a photo of it or simply rewrite into your notebook for further checks. Other locations are on the engine block side, the driver's door and so on. You can ask the owner of the car about the locations or you can consult the manual that comes with the car.

Missouri VIN History

Once you get the code, you can find out a lot of interesting information about the vehicle. Check the number of the characters and if you have 17, paste it into a special field on this website. The process of the check is fast and it usually takes a few minutes. With the help of the VIN check Missouri, you can get the full report about the following information:

  • The history of past accidents that happened on and off the road (natural disasters);
  • The registered odometer readings;
  • Any recalls or defects that were provided by the manufacturer;
  • The data about liens and loans if there were any;
  • The information about thefts and full recoveries;
  • The mileage rollback;
  • The information about flood, fire and hail damage;
  • The use of the vehicle as a taxi, police or personal;
  • The history of title registrations.

The information in the report is valuable and it's reliable. The sources of this information are the motor vehicle offices of the US and Canada, the insurance companies, the salvage yards and the auctions, etc. You can find out the information about the vehicle by visiting these organisations depending on the type of data you want to get. If you want to have a complete report within a short period of time, it's good to use the online VIN check service on this website. This service is free of charge and you have no limits for the number of checks you want to have.

The VIN code identifies every single vehicle that can be sold on the territory of Missouri. Knowing the code can make the purchase of a used car safe and secure thanks to the online VIN check service that provides a free report on the specs of the vehicle and all the important details about its past life. You will have to make a few mouse clicks to get the report ready. You can check the codes of the cars, motorcycles, RVs and trailers that have been manufactured since 1980.

Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR)

301 West High Street
Jefferson City, MO 65105
Driver licensing: (573) 751-4600
Information 24/7: (573) 526-2407
