Mercury VIN Check

Check Mercury VIN Number and get a Full Vehicle History Report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: JTDS4MCE7NJ095881

Buying used cars is tough. You need to make several decisions, and each will cost a fortune. If you are here, you've walked half of this way: you've made your mind regarding the model of the car. Now, it's time to choose one of all the Mercury cars available from your local dealers. Naturally, you want your choice to be informed; you want to know how the car got to the dealer, what is its real condition, and what to expect from it.

Mercury VIN check is a digital helper designed to show drivers the history of every used car with the vehicle identification number. To use it, you need to find the VIN number, either on the the vehicle or in its documentation, and type it in the form. In return, you'll get a full record of the car's past.

Hundreds of drivers use this tool safely and confidentially every month. Try it now and see how it works! Here are some guidelines to make your car history search more productive.

VIN Checking Guidelines

To check VIN Mercury online, follow this short instruction:

  • Check the VIN number. If you have access to the documents, look there first. Then, inspect the car. It is usually located on the driver's door jamb or in the lower part of the windshield next to the driver's airbag. Another place to look for the VIN number is the spot near the car firewall. The VIN is a long string of 17 digits, so, it is easy to spot.
  • Having found the number on the car, compare it to the one in the documents. If they don't match, something is definitely wrong. You may also use a license plate checker to decode the VIN number by the number on the plate.
  • Type the number in a form and look what appears.
  • Make your choice with the full realization of the Mercury's history.

What the VIN Can Tell You

Every one of the 17 characters of a vehicle identifier has something to tell. The standard is as follows:

  • characters 1 to 3 show who and where made the car;
  • 4 to 9 are for the car specs, such as model, color, trim, and engine;
  • 10 to 17 go into more detail about the manufacturer: for example, the tenth character stands for the year of making.

But that's not the entire story. The VIN is associated with the car title and a number of other important data such as:

  • History of damage (hail, flood, fire), clashes, and other accidents. Avoid buying salvaged cars if it is not stated anywhere that the car has been rebuilt.
  • History of repairs and inspections, with the date of the last inspection.
  • Notes about theft, repossession contracts, and liens. You will also see whether the car is on the gray market list.
  • Information on whether the car was used by the police, taxi services, or fleet.
  • Recalls by manufacturer and subsequent repairs (or lack of repair).
  • Odometer readings and all the discrepancies that may arise from manipulations with the odometer.
  • The number of the owners and states of registration. This may be important, as the policies of some states are especially prone to fraud.

How do we know all those things? Every inspection or service station the car has passed keeps records about it. The system collects those records and get additional information from auto auctions, salvage car sales, insurance companies, and state agencies of both Canada and the US. There are also online databases of used, salvaged, and stolen car, and online records of accidents. Since this information is open for inspection, you can get car history records freely and with no problem. We've only built a convenient system, so that the check is easy for drivers.