Massachusetts VIN Check & Lookup

Lookup for a Massachusetts Vehicle and get Detailed Vehicle History Report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: JTDS4MCE7NJ095881

A unique code that identifies every vehicle that is sold in Massachusetts is a vehicle identification number or a VIN code. It consists of 17 symbols including numbers and letters. This code is generated and assigned by the manufacturer of every vehicle and is stamped on non-removable parts and printed on the registration card. If you plan to buy a used car, you should ask the owner to give you the code to find out all the information about its specs and its history. If there's no code or it has less than 17 characters, this vehicle was produced before 1980 or it was produced not for sale on the territory of Massachusetts.

To find out the history of the car or the bike, you can visit a local DMV office or you can use the Massachusetts VIN check online on this website. Visiting the office takes time and efforts. If you want to know the full history of the vehicle, you will also have to visit other companies as there's no a single database containing all the records about the past of the vehicles. Using the online service takes a few minutes. There are no limits for the number of code you want to check. If you want to find out the history of 20 cars and 40 cycles, you can do it on this site in a very short time period.

Vehicle History Massachusetts

To find out the information about the history of the vehicle, you should find out the code itself. First of all, it's located on the registration card. If you have a chance to see the car or the bike with your eyes, here are the possible locations of the VIN code:

  • Under the windshield, in the bottom corner on the driver's side;
  • On the engine block side, you have to open the hood to see it;
  • On the driver's door near the mirror;
  • Under a spare tire;
  • On the side frame rail of the bike.

The code can be stamped or printed on the sticker depending on the make and the model of the car or of the bike. When looking at the code, pay attention to the surface of the dashboards and stickers. If you see any damages, you should be careful with the purchase of this vehicle as there are many cases of code falsification. If the online VIN check Massachusetts service tells you the code is invalid, double-check the VIN number on the registration card and on the body of the vehicle.

With the online service, you can find out the following information about the car or the bike:

  • Technical specs of the vehicle;
  • The history of past accidents that happened on the road;
  • Any recalls and defects made by the manufacturer;
  • The title registration history;
  • The information about flood, hail and fire damage;
  • The way the vehicle was used before (taxi, police or for rental);
  • Theft and recovery records;
  • Registered odometer readings.

Knowing this information will make the purchase of a used car safe and secure. The information that is provided in the report is reliable and up-to-date. It's collected from several databases that keep records about the vehicles on the territory of Massachusetts. The information is taken from the databases of insurance companies, salvage yards, manufacturers, various auctions, motor vehicle companies, inspection stations, mechanics and so on.

Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)

PO Box 55889
Boston, MA 02205
(857) 368-8000