Georgia VIN Check & Lookup

Run a Georgia VIN Check to get a detailed history report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 7FARW2H5XNE029388

When buying a used car, you must ask plenty of questions to ensure you make the right purchase. While it is vital to understand the vehicle’s technical features and main characteristics, you should also dig deeper to know if the car has ever been involved in an accident or theft or how many owners it has had in the past, among many other things.

A simple Georgia VIN lookup will provide comprehensive details about your target car, including its actual condition and whether its odometer has been rolled back. Perform your VIN and title lookup at FAXVIN to ensure you get value for your investment.

Georgia Title Status Check

If you have your eyes set on a used car in Georgia or out of state, performing a title check is crucial. Generally, a vehicle identification number is the social security number of a car. It’s a unique 17-digit alphanumeric code that helps auto shops, prospective vehicle buyers, government agencies, and auto insurance companies identify a car.

Assigned by car manufacturers, the VIN provides everything related to the vehicle in question. You can find this code on the side jamb of the driver’s door, the insurance card, and the dashboard on the driver’s side. You may also find it on the front side of the engine’s frame or block, within the rear wheel wells, and under the spare tire.

But if the VIN code is unreadable or cannot be found, the owner can apply for a new VIN code manufactured by the Georgia State Highway Patrol at the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles. Note that the VIN replacement process involves a detailed investigation to ascertain that the car in question has not been reported as part of any criminal dealings.

Once you find the vehicle identification number by conducting a VIN check via Georgia DDS or a reliable third-party VIN checker, you can discover comprehensive facts about the vehicle, including:

GA Accident History Report

The VIN check will show you if the vehicle has been involved in any car accidents and whether it was damaged. A VIN checker will reveal any historical data on accidents recorded against the provided VIN code and any damage to the car that may affect its efficiency.

Use History

A VIN check in Georgia also offers information on the previous use of the vehicle. Whether it was used for rentals, in the police department, or even taxis, the report will reveal it.

Reported Odometer Readings

Odometer readings show the actual mileage of the car. However, it is common to come across odometer rollback scams when buying used vehicles. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reveals that over 450,000 cars are sold with false odometer readings, leading to approximately $1 billion in losses for buyers.

An odometer rollback refers to tampering with a car’s odometer to show that it has fewer miles than it actually does. Buying a vehicle with false odometer readings indicates that it is unreliable and can lead to expensive repairs and maintenance. Thanks to a VIN check in Georgia, you will view the actual odometer readings and compare them to what the seller is showing you.

Defects and Recalls

A GA VIN lookup also reveals whether your preferred vehicle belongs to a recall series. From the tires to the equipment in the car to the car seats, this report shows if your target vehicle is part of an open or previous recall series and what steps are or were required. Buying a used car with recalls can be an expensive investment, depending on the type of recall and the car model. However, if the car dealership is ready to handle the remediation work, it may be worth it, especially if you have found your dream car.

Insurance Claims

A car history report also shows the details of its insurance claim history. The report also reveals whether the car has a salvage title, which is when a vehicle is deemed a total loss by an insurance company. Although such vehicles can obtain a rebuilt title once they pass Georgia safety requirements, it can result in an insurance nightmare. In fact, some insurance companies will not provide any coverage for such cars or may fail to offer optional coverage like comprehensive or collision insurance. It is also worth noting that a salvage title often implies that a vehicle's repair costs far more than its original market value.

Warranty Status

In addition, entering a VIN code in a VIN checker also provides data on whether the vehicle is still under the manufacturer’s warranty. Note that this warranty status only applies to factory warranties since extended warranties are usually add-ons bought from independent companies or even car manufacturers. It is best to contact the provider to get information on such warranties.

Theft and Fraud History

Another crucial part of the Georgia VIN lookup report is its theft and fraud history section. It shows whether your car has been involved in any criminal activities in the past. The report also reveals if the car you intend to purchase has been reported stolen. As a result, this saves you from spending your hard-earned cash on a vehicle with a bad reputation.

Title Status

Apart from the salvage title, the Georgia title status report shows whether the vehicle has any other titles that may affect its efficiency. It is wise to obtain this information to ensure you are getting your money’s worth. A title check will show whether the car suffered damage and underwent repairs.

  • A VIN lookup provides buyers with detailed information on the car’s make, model, year, trim, country of manufacture, body style, drivetrain, fuel capacity, seating, wheels and tires, braking, entertainment options, original market value, and more.
  • If a car’s VIN number is difficult to read or not on the vehicle, the owner can apply for another VIN number from Georgia’s Department of Motor Services.

Stolen Vehicle Check at FAXVIN

If you want to discover the actual specifications of the vehicle you plan to buy, FAXVIN provides a comprehensive Georgia VIN check within a few minutes through its online tool.

With the primary goal of providing up-to-date information about the vehicle you intend to purchase, our online VIN check tool uses proven and reliable sources to collect data. These sources include:

  • Major motor vehicle agencies in the United States and Canada;
  • Reputable insurance companies;
  • U.S. Motor Vehicle Title System;
  • Well-known auto shops dealing with collision repairs;
  • Salvage auctions;
  • Auto dealerships;
  • State inspection stations;
  • Rentals and Fleet companies;
  • Auto manufacturers, etc.

Note that the results of your VIN check solely depend on the car records and car engine used to obtain the vehicle’s history.

Therefore, if you want an in-depth Georgia VIN lookup, it is best to go with FAXVIN. We not only offer a detailed report on the validity of your target vehicle’s specifications, but we also dig deeper into the VIN check process to help you avoid making unreasonable and costly decisions when purchasing a used car.


Georgia Counties

As a premium service, FAXVIN title check reports provide the following benefits:

  • DDS VIN check: Thanks to our reliable and up-to-date reports, we have won the loyalty of numerous car buyers and sellers.
  • Data at your fingertips: Our online VIN checker tool is easily accessible via our website. Thus, car buyers and sellers in the United States and Canada can easily get detailed reports on any vehicle, provided they have the VIN.
  • Free reports: We believe that every car buyer deserves the latest vehicle data from reliable sources. Thus, our basic free report provides comprehensive information on the car’s standard equipment, including odometer readings. However, if you want to know whether your target vehicle has a salvage title or has been part of an auction, you may need to purchase a paid report.
  • 100% unbiased data: All the information we obtain from our sources is 100% valid and credible. Our main objective is to provide car buyers with insightful information on their intended purchase.

When performing a VIN check, you must ensure that your preferred site offers 100% valid and legit data. Review their sources and the process involved in obtaining such information.

Using our GA VIN check tool is as easy as can be. In just a few minutes, you will discover everything you need to know about any vehicle in Georgia. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use our online VIN check tool:

  1. With your VIN at hand, go to the official FAXVIN website.
  2. Upon landing on the homepage, you will see the instant VIN search tool at the top.
  3. Input the unique identifier in the relevant field and click the "Check VIN" button.
  4. Within a few minutes, you will receive a comprehensive report on your target vehicle, ready for examination.


Once you find a used car you like, it is best to perform a VIN and title check to make sure that it meets your standard requirements. A vehicle history report will show all details related to your car of choice, including its accident history, fraud or theft history, insurance and warranty data, previous use, manufacturer data, title branding, and more. This report will help you determine whether the seller’s words are true.

The online VIN check tool by FAXVIN makes it easier than ever before to obtain such vehicle data. With a specialist’s evaluation and a test drive, this report will objectively reveal whether the car you want is a worthy investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check the title status of a vehicle in Georgia?
Whether you want a basic or comprehensive VIN check, you can use GA DDS or a trusted online VIN check tool like FAXVIN to perform a VIN lookup.
Are VIN numbers unique?
Yes. No two vehicles share similar VIN numbers. Like passport or government ID numbers, the code is unique to one vehicle only throughout its lifetime.
Is it possible to alter a car’s VIN number?
It is against federal law to remove or tamper with a vehicle’s VIN number. This code cannot be changed or modified throughout the vehicle’s lifespan.

Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS)

2206 Eastview Parkway NE,
Conyers, GA 30013
(678) 413-8400