Alabama VIN Check & Lookup

Lookup Alabama VIN Number and get a Full VIN History Report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 1GNSKSKD7PR434184

Alabama or Yellowhammer is a state in the southeast of the United States.This region is famous for its automotive manufacturing industry. Alabama is home to Mercedes-Benz U.S.A. International (MBUSI), Honda Manufacturing of Alabama (HMA), and Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama.

Every car manufactured for selling in Alabama has a unique number by which you can know its history and production details. This VIN code consists of 17 characters, every one of them contains some information about a particular vehicle. Some digits reveal the name of its manufacturer and vehicle’s model. Some tell its owner about its country of production, its plant code, and unique manufacturing number. Every code is unique and if you want to buy the right car you should watch whether the actual number of this vehicle is the same as in documents.

There are various ways how one can decipher a code of this vehicle. Buyers can decipher it to see specs of its motor or they can use Alabama VIN check to see records about past life of this vehicle. Anyway, using it is meaningless unless one makes no efforts to find actual Vehicle Identification number. Finding it is simple: buyers can find this code in places where manufacturers usually put it:

  • dashboard under a windshield of the machine or the truck;
  • near driver’s side door
  • under a spare wheel.

This code can be stamped on a body or placed on a sticker with some extra information about this car. What you need is a 17-digit code that consists of letters and numbers. As soon as you’ve found this code, you should compare VIN on a car with the VIN on its insurance card. All symbols should match; if you notice that at least one character is different, it is very likely that this vehicle is stolen.

Using check is important when making a decision whether to buy this car or not, so make sure that it stays the same in all places. Its seller might use fake documents and if the plant code or the year of manufacturing are different, you should ask additional questions. And refuse, if you admit that your contractor is lying.

Alabama VIN Number

After you locate the code and make sure everything is alright with it, it’s time to start using the online VIN check. This online service collects records from several data storages of insurance companies, police departments, DMV offices, and other organizations. Of course, you can dig into multiple databases and spend days and nights collecting information, but is it worth spending so much on a single car? And of course, this is not a kind of activity you can do standing near the Alabama vehicle’s seller. Using the online VIN check number Alabama is less time-consuming.

Using this site, you can get everything you need to know about your car and its history including:

  • any title changes if there were any (as one title can be used for marking stolen and fully damaged vehicles);
  • was this machine ever used as a taxi or police car;
  • any flood, fire or hail damage done to vehicle;
  • odometer readings or an odometer rollback.

Knowing a number of repairs or accidents that happened on the road or because of natural disasters, you can be sure that you purchase your car from a safe and reliable seller. Type your VIN into a special field, press "Check now" button and you will get the full report about all registered accidents that could ever happen with any kind of a vehicle. No matter whether you own a truck, RV, motorcycle or a car, you will get this report in a short period of time. You even don’t need your laptop as this service is accessible through any Internet-connected device. Find your VIN and enjoy our checking service right now.

Alabama Department of Motor Vehicles (AL DMV)

P.O. Box 1471
Montgomery, AL 36102-1471
(334) 242-4400