Chrysler Recalls Check

Find the latest news and information on recent Chrysler recalls

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: 3A4FY48BX7T544416

Not so long ago, Chrysler Automobiles announced that 1.3 million their cars are to be recalled due high fire risk and some fix wiring issues that can potentially cause the deployment of airbags. If you’re going to buy a used Chrysler automobile, this news might seem important to you. Remember that a substantial percentage of second-hand cars are either recalled or are near being recalled, and this is the last thing you will hear from the previous Chrysler owner. It’s very profitable for private sellers to present their vehicle as the newest, safe and lovely car in the world, even if the history of its repairs doesn’t fit an A4 sheet of paper, and the recall of the vehicle was conducted years ago.

The problem is that if you purchased a pre-owned car, you’ll most likely not be informed about its recall history. The owner will, but, as mentioned above, he will hardly find enough honesty to tell you about that. So, what to do if you want to buy a precise Chrysler vehicle, but are not sure about its safety?

First of all, find a Vehicle Identification Number on a Chrysler car you’re going to buy. It’s visible enough not to even ask the owner to help you. In most of the cases, the VIN is placed on the dashboard near the windshield. This number consists of 17 alphanumeric digits and with its help, you will be able to do the Chrysler recall check online. Go to any VIN check website and search information about the car’s history of recalls. If the first car in your “to-buy” rating turned out to be recalled or simply not safe enough, you’re not limited to do your next searches and are able to decipher as many codes as you need to finally get your dream car.

Chrysler Safety Check by VIN

The term "recall" appeared in the United States in 1978 at the automobile trade peak. All vehicle producers were legislatively obliged to recall vehicles which had factory defects if these automobiles carried a potential danger to the potential owners. In 1980, a similar law was adopted in Japan, and after that, it has spread all over the world.

Automotive concerns around the world are increasingly withdrawing products from the market due to various defects and failures, and in the US, more than 70% of owners return their cars to manufacturers, but the rest 30% sell them on the Internet, despite the fact such cars might threaten the new drivers’ lives.

In 2013, about 3.5 million vehicles with an enormous mileage, which have to be withdrawn from the market, were put up for sale on various sites.

On average, more than 10% of used cars should be recalled immediately, but potential owners can easily be found due to lower pricing. In the US secondary market, a significant proportion of such cars remain in the country, but some are exported to other countries, where the difficulty to track problematic vehicles increases drastically.

There are still a lot of interesting and even funny facts in the history of car reviews. For example, in America, one of the largest automobile companies paid huge fines and held a large service campaign at its own expense because of a professional lawyer’s claim. Strange as it may seem, the defect recognized by the court was marked as “potential” and did not appear throughout all the car’s history of exploitation.

Remember about this statistics when buying a used car! Perform a thorough Chrysler recall check by VIN before purchasing a car from an owner – and be sure that you are guaranteed safety in using this car.