Idaho License Plate Lookup

Reverse search Idaho license plate and get a detailed vehicle history

Example: EQY8372 MI

Every resident of Idaho that owns a car or a motorcycle must have a license plate attached onto the body of the vehicle. The license plate is issued by the local Division of Motor Vehicles. If you own a car or only plan to buy one, you should know that license plates should be located on the front and back sides of the body of trucks, cars and vans. Placing a license plate exclusively on the rear side of the body is allowed for motorcycles, trailers and ATVs. The rear license plate should contain the registration year of the car.

There are two types of license plates that you can ask for in Idaho such as personalised and specific plates. Of course, you can ask for a disabled parking plate if required. If you purchase a car from an official dealer, you should order temporary tags to get the possibility to drive the car before you get the license plate from the local DMV. There are various types of the license plates that you can apply for depending on your needs and preferences.

If you buy a used car from another resident of Idaho or any other state, it's advisable to have the Idaho license plate search. This will give you all necessary information about the state of the car so you could make the right decision about the purchase of the car. This service is free of charge and there are no limits in the number of checks. If you're looking for the car to buy, it will make the process go faster as you won't need even to leave your home to make a check.

Buying a used car is risky, therefore you should use all means to make sure the car is in good working condition before you start driving it. You can check the code on your own. To do this, you will need the phone numbers and the addresses of the insurance companies, police departments, salvage yards, dealerships and so on depending on the information you want to get. Or you can use a free Idaho license plate lookup on this site to save your time and nerves.

You can find out the following information about the vehicle with the help of the license plate lookup Idaho:

  • The information if the owner of the car is an individual or a company. You will not receive any names, addresses or phone numbers of the owners as all the personal data is protected by the law.
  • The make, model and the year of manufacture. You can see the default equipment of the car installed by the manufacturer and the state of the car when it was sold for the first time.
  • The information about accidents that happened on the road and any kinds of natural disasters like floods, earthquakes or hurricanes.

The information provided on this site is valid and up-to-date. If you see that other sites offer you to find out the personal data of the owner of the car for free, you shouldn't trust them as they break the law providing you such data. In most cases, you will just get a malware on your computer and no valid information from the report. To exclude any possible fraud, take a careful look at the surface of the license plate. If there are damages or any tries to change the color or the shape of it, you should use the license lookup for 100% to exclude any possibility to buy a stolen car. Take a code and let the service do the job for you.

Idaho Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

700 W. State Street, 3rd Fl.
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720
(208) 334-8000