How to Buy a Used Car: Tips and Secrets for a Great Deal
Buying a used car is like a lottery. The results are unknown unless you are a true specialist. Otherwise you are vulnerable in front of any surprises like an unscrupulous seller, a stolen car or the car, which was just repaired after an accident, a “drowned” car, or just a poorly treated car.
There are so many details. If you miss any of them, you are likely to face a real problem. Ok, so what can you do to avoid troubles and find a car without unpleasant surprises?
First of all, resign to a fact that an old car is an old car. Thus, even if the previous owner is an auto fan, you should examine the car carefully. The older the car is the more battered the crucial parts are. It means that you will need more money and time to invest into the vehicle.
For many people, a second hand car is the only possibility to obtain their own auto. In some cases, it is even better than buying a new one in the auto-salon since it is not a secret that earlier the cars used to be more reliable and long-lived.
Tips for buying a used car
If you compare all the pros and cons of purchasing a new and used vehicle, you have several ways to move ahead. If you want to buy a used car of good quality you should:
- look for a seller among your acquaintances if someone is about to sell the auto.
- go to the auto market.
- look through ads in the newspapers or on the thematic websites.
The first idea is the best way to buy a used car in case of mutual trust. It means that a seller will not intend to cheat you if your relations do matter for him.
The second way will work if you have enough time for roaming the market and looking for your potential auto among hundreds and thousands of non-appropriate cars. Besides, for this adventure you will need a competent specialist unless you are an auto-mechanic and feel savvy in the cars.
The third option is the most convenient one if you have enough time to study the market. Start to puzzle out the prices, characteristics, popular and rare items, etc. But surfing through the ads implies that one day you will need to make the first call and then to go to the first meeting somewhere to have a look at the selected auto.
Things that you need to consider while using the ads
- Check whether all the photos coincide. It means whether they are the photos of the same car. It increases the chances to meet a current owner, not a reseller.
- Look at the date of the ad publication. The older an ad is the bigger chances are that you’ll stumble at the ‘problem’ car.
- Try to make a small investigation and find out whether this seller has published more than one ad. Ordinarily, if it is so, it is the attribute of a reseller.
But don’t be afraid of the resellers as such. No one can mislead you if you know basic rules and prepare for the meeting. Often they offer quite worthy cars but you should consider that their aim is to purchase for the lowest price and sell at the highest one. They know all the aspects of how to do it. So what are your actions once you choose several ads?
Tips for buying a Used Car
How to buy a used car? First of all, make a call and speak to the seller. There are a few ways to find out if he is an owner:
- A person who is just trying to sell his own car can speak to you in any manner but mostly in a usual, calm, and polite way. If not polite, then don’t even start to deal with such a person. It will bring nothing but disappointment. A reseller usually speaks in a self-confident, sometimes in indulgent manner that indicates an experienced bargainer.
- Ask many detailed questions like the age of the car, the conditions of the exploitation, when the car was serviced last time, when the oil had been replaced, whether someone smoked inside, etc. If you feel that a seller talks as if he had been misleading you, then check twice before the meeting.
If you decide to look at the car personally, then you should know the things to look for when buying a used car. Try to find the outside damages. They can be not evident, but you can reveal not uniform surface paint cover, small dents that are noticeable only at a certain angle, etc. A used car purchase requires all your attention to notice a difference between original and replaced parts, damages of engine, pads, hose. The doors should snug. There should be no cracks in the windshield, no signs of handmade repairs. What to look for when buying a used car, except the things listed above? Mileage, of course. Analyze it taking into account the car condition, age, and description of usage.
Vehicle History Report by VIN
If you find the car you really like, the best way to be sure whether it meets your requirements is to do a car history check by Vehicle Identification Number. The official car history check will provide you with the full info of accidents, service, insurance data, taxi or police use, manufacturer data like title, original color, engine characteristics, etc. VIN check is the best way to find out whether the seller’s words match the reality.
The info for VIN history report is generally gathered from numerous sources like police, insurance companies, vehicle services, car auctions, auto manufacturers, inspection and registration institutions etc. Car history by VIN is a pretty helpful tool to use as well. However, you shouldn’t forget about the specialist’s examination.
Never hesitate to ask for a full test drive. Only this will tell you whether the car fits you or not.