How to Sell a Used Car Favorably and Fast
Your car has been your devoted companion and assistant for long years but it’s time to say goodbye. What are the reasons? Any. You are moving, or the car has become too small for your big family, or you decided to replace it with more ecology-friendly one, or just with a new one. Probably your goal is to sell it as quickly as possible and get as much money for it as possible.
First of all, do not behave as plenty of sellers who yearn for outwitting a buyer in any available way. Your lie will be brought to light if only you are not a professional rogue, and lie is simply ugly. But still, how can you turn selling your car into a pleasant and easy thing?
The best way to sell a Used Car
There are two main ways that people use to change their cars for money: auto market and the Internet. The latter is becoming more popular due to many factors like convenience, safety, the audience reach. Naturally it is not the dream weekend to stay on the market among hundreds of similar sellers comparing with creating an ad at two or three appropriate websites.
To come up with a good deal, take your time to create an ad because if you really aim to sell your car for more it will be necessary to spend time and money.
How to get the most for your car
- Splendid photos are 50% of success. Or even more. If you don’t have any skills in photography and don’t have good technics, if it’s raining or snowing, or the weather is sullen, if your car is dirty and dusty, don’t make photos. First of all, wash and clean your auto, but don’t overdo because potential buyers should be sure that your car is being used, not just staying in the garage waiting for purchase. Choose a perfect location, better somewhere on the nature to have a green uniform background, and perfect time, better on the sunset, when the light is mild. Take a professional camera or a smartphone with the high-res one. And make photos from different angles. Shoot it front and rear, sides, outside and inside, make a close-up of the key details, and defects if they exist. Of course, concentrate on the advantages but show disadvantages and damages as well.
- Create a good description. Avoid evaluative words like ‘best, incredible, great’, but provide facts and objective info. Don’t forget to point the reason for selling.
- Search for autos of similar model and year of the issue so that you could find out the average price and not mistaken with your price. It can be a little bit lower than average. Let your price be approximately 10% higher than the one you want in order to leave space for bargaining.
- Leave not your main phone number since first calls you will get from the resellers, and they will continue calling you even long after you will have sold the car.
The fastest way to sell your car (and the fairest one) is to provide honest info and qualitative photos, and be ready to answer all questions. But if you are not a specialist, be aware of the swindlers and resellers. They will do their best to convince you that your car is not worth its price, and they can be quite persuasive. Moreover, they can create similar fake ads with a much lower price so that you thought you have really mistaken while evaluating the auto.
How to get a car ready to sell
Imagine that you are a buyer and think of what you would like to see in the potential car. Ask yourself: ‘What should I do to get money for my car, and what would I give money for if I were a purchaser?’
Likely, you would like to see clean car salon, well-groomed details, clean oil and fuel, repaired defects, and, what is even more important, sincere and savvy seller who knows everything about a car and has no intention to hide any disadvantages.
Be ready to go to a service center and to let the specialist estimate the car. Even if they will detect the damages you have not noticed before, now you will become more informed about the further selling process.
Among the ways to sell a car is also to sign a contract with a salon of used cars. This solution is suitable if you lack time and are ready to spend some money for a salon’s services. They will take over all the troubles related with the selling process including formal side of it, and will sell your cars for money you conform together.
How can the buyers get information about your car
There are numerous services providing VIN history check, and knowing the VIN everyone can get access to all public data like manufacturer info, accident and insurance history, service, registration and inspection history etc. The VIN checker will reveal all the lie if it took place (like denying accidents or other non-visible damages). The data collected from police, insurance companies, auto salons, service companies and so on is performed in a convenient report form. You can check it before selling a car to be sure it is truthful and comprehensive. But note that this service will be very helpful when you will also need to acquire someone’s used vehicle data in order to check whether it matches the verbal description.
Moreover, there is a license plate search. It can also collect all info from available sources. And be ready that some picky purchasers can call or come to police personally in order to get more data concerning your car. So it is really more prudently to provide all the info to the interested buyer.
Treat other as you would like them to treat you – this rule works, no doubt. Today you are selling a car, tomorrow you will look for a new one, and these two processes can be comfortable and profitable for both sides.