Wisconsin License Plate Lookup

Reverse search Wisconsin license plate and get full vehicle history

Example: 8VIR650 CA

The "America's Dairyland" issues two license plate for each passenger vehicle and a single rear plate for each motorcycle or moped. There have been petitions demanding to get rid of the front plate, but they had no results. Research in other states has shown that front plates are really effective in preventing disasters.

Fun facts aside, license plates are worth studying when you are about to buy a new vehicle. A quick Wisconsin license plate lookup will show you the real title of the car that you want to buy, its identification number, mileage, date of registration and inspection, accident history, records of damages and use in loans. It will also display a warning if the vehicle has been spotted on the gray market or, putting it simply, just stolen.

License plate lookup in Wisconsin is directed against such schemes as title fraud, re-selling salvaged vehicles, concealing car recalls and damage from accidents. But most important, it helps reveal manipulations with mileage. Local car dealers can tamper almost any odometer in the matter of seconds. In 2015, it was estimated that over 1 million of vehicles on WI roads ran with false odometer readings. Every year, the state gets close to 50 complaints about mileage schemes. Luckily, with Wisconsin license plate lookup, owner of a car gets a chance to estimate how odometer has been manipulated.

Speaking about Wisconsin, most of odometer rollback cases don't come from the dealership. Instead, car buyers tend to suffer from private sellers. That, of course, does not mean that you are 100% safe with WI dealers. Check a random vehicle and see the results with your own eyes.

The rule number one is quite nice to read: Wisconsin license plate lookup is free and 100% legal for all the US drivers. If you pay taxes, you are eligible for requesting information about the products that are being taxed. It's also the consumer right of drivers, which is protected by special local and nationwide agencies (these agencies, by the way, provide information to the initiatives like this).

The rule number two is about the actual use of this Wisconsin license plate look up instrument. Consumers begin with finding a license plate number and car VIN (if the latter is visible anywhere near the driver's side). VIN is needed for two reasons: firstly, to check whether it matches the number that a plate lookup will return; secondly, it it easily decoded into important car characteristics like model, manufacture date, engine model, car color, and so on. Once you find the number, enter it to the system and press 'Check'.

Three more minutes, and you have the sound ground for decision making:

  • Title of the car.
  • Records about theft and liens.
  • Notifications about the possible odometer rollback.
  • Recall record showing whether a vehicle has any unrepaired defects.
  • Inspection date and conclusion.
  • Issues with registration and ownership.
  • Records about damage from flood/fire/accidents.

However, do not rely on this data only. Test the car on your own and take it to a trusted technician. Watch the reactions of car dealers and be ready to refuse to close the deal if anything goes wrong. Be especially attentive when you buy vehicles from private sellers.

It should be admitted that no matter how online checkers update their records, this is not surefire guarantee of a safe purchase. the information here is available publicly. So, if you can see it, car dealers also can see it. Not only will they spin odometer readings, they may also fabricate the documents so as to match our online records. So, we encourage drivers to be attentive and double-check everything before the money is spent.

The third of our rules is as follows: please don't expect to obtain personal information here. We do not disclose neither our customers' data nor that of the car owners.