Mercedes-Benz VIN Check

Check Mercedes-Benz VIN Number and get a Full Vehicle History Report

A VIN number, or Vehicle Identification Number is a 17-digit number, that serves as the car's unique identity code.
For most vehicles, you can find the VIN on your front driver’s side interior dashboard or the driver’s side door post. Alternatively, you may find it on the vehicle’s insurance and ownership documents.
Example: WDDGJ4HB6CF887362

If you're planning to buy a used Mercedes or just check the history of a car for whatever reason, here comes a reliable way to do it. Mercedes Benz VIN check is a handy online tool to inspect all the records related to the car in one click. Just find the vehicle identification number, insert it in the empty field, and see what results the system returns. It's that simple. You can use the tool to negotiate on your car deal right on the spot.

Mercedes VIN check online system works with a large mass of verified data that is legal to use and available for public inspection. We get information from American agencies like NMVTIS as well as Canadian agencies, auto auctions and salvage sales, car manufacturers and repair stations, insurance and rental companies, and state stations of vehicle inspection. When the identification number gets into the system, the latter searches the corresponding records across this extensive archive to return you the up-to-date car profile. You can find the sample profile section in the site menu.

The results of Mercedes VIN check may surprise drivers. A shiny car looks so innocently until you find out that it has been stolen or used in impound deals. Let's see what things you may discover and what they mean.

Mercedes VIN Number

Let's begin with the location of vehicle identification number. The VIN has 17 characters, and it can be either imprinted on a surface or put on the sticker with other important information about a vehicle. You may find the sticker or just the VIN in the bottom of right windshield, on the door jamb next to the driver's seat, or near the firewall. The identifier may also be given in the documents. After you find it in whatever place, search it in this system.

Until the VIN check, Mercedes (or another car brand, why) looks just so nice. But let's check the VIN, and we'll see it untold story:

  • Accidents and salvage records. You'll see the records about this in the "Junk" section. If a car has been through any accidents or natural disasters, this will also be indicated by a special icon in the first screen. Pay special attention to the salvage cars that have not been recovered properly. They pose potential danger to drivers' health.
  • History of inspection and service. When did the last inspection occur? What service did the car get? Everything is in its history.
  • Mileage and odometer readings. If you see something like "Odometer: Not Actual", then the dealer (or someone else) has played around odometer readings. Car dealers usually spin odometers to make cars look newer. However, such cars will show their nature later on the road. So, isn't it better to get prepared?
  • Use in taxi, fleet, or rental services. You don't want to drive a car that has been in use by more people than a dealer claims.
  • Records about theft and being on the gray market. If you suspect that someone has stolen this Mercedes, check VIN, and you'll know for sure.
  • Recalls by manufacturer. Sometimes, cars have defects. When those defects are really dangerous, manufacturer's recall all the cars of the defective model to fix the issue. However, some careless car owners don't treat the recalled vehicles adequately. As a result, you may happen to buy a car with a lethal surprise. So, check VIN: Mercedes cares about your safety, but dealers often don't.
  • Last but not least, there will be a special line indicating whether the car has been used by some debtor as a lien, that is, whether anyone still owes anyone money for it. Don't miss this warning, as you don't want to get involved in the conflicts over loan contracts.